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Friday, December 22, 2006
Johor flood
I called LT as well as i didnt see her online for quite some time. I worried that she was affected by the flood. Fortunately she is fine as well. Her house there is not affected. I am happy to know that she was promoted. Good for her. Her voice is still so nice to hear, but sound tired. I dont know how to describe my feel when talking phone with her. Its too complicated i think. I am missing her now :) wish her all the best
RM90 meal
Well, last night gift exchange was a bit funny. Me and Huey Wen left lab and reached her friend, Kok Lim's home around 6.30pm. After short while Chris came. We departed after Kok Lim was ready. All 4 of us sat in Kok Lim's car. Along the journey Kok Lim and Chris were arguing and teasing each other, made the journey full of laugh and noise, LOL.
In the car they still arguing where to have our dinner and exchange gift. After 10 minutes of arguement we decided to go Mr.Ho Dining (in fact i never heard the restaurant name) beside Northam Hotel. When we reached there i saw its a small building with europe style of design. Kok Lim parked his car outside and we walked across the car park towards the restaurant. Along the walk i noticed that there is no 'Mr.Ho Dining' signboard. I am puzzled and asked Kok Lim regarding this, but he seem puzzled as well. There are 2 signboard there 'Hardwrick' and 'Apple Computing center'. I thought Mr.Ho Dining is a alternative name people used to refer to it.
Before we reached the entrance, 2 waiters already came out and open dorr for us. As we go into the building, we saw the environment is very nice - with dim lights, candles, christmas trees and festive decoration. Ya, we knew that something wrong.
After sat down Kok Lim asked the supervisor why the decoration changed, and then we only knew that Mr.Ho Dining was moved back to KL and that is a new restaurant call 'Hardwrick' (anyway, i hope i spell the name correctly). Well, we were the first customers last night, the whole restaurant was empty. The funniest part was everyone's expression changed after looked at the menu ==" except for soup, the cheapest stuff is RM25! Set dinner starts with RM78+. Most main course starts from RM50+. The cheapest drink is RM10. Sweat......
Kok Lim started gossip with Chris as he knows that Chris and Huey Wen are thrifty ladies that never ate expensive food like this. He proposed to them we can leave if they felt the meal is too expensive. Anyway, the ladies said that it was shame if left the place after looked at the menu. And since they never try high class restaurant before, we decided to stay.
The service is not bad, the waiters are all trained with knowledge of western meal procedures and serving. The order of course, the placement of spoon, knife, and others are strictly followed. Since i knew the meal would be expensive, i decided to take the most expensive course - grilled beef steak with half done.
We finished everything around one hour time, due to the way they serve - following classic western food order. Along the time some customers came. All the customers seem are rich people with nice gown, expensive blouse, shirt, skirt.... we were the only table with t-shirts, jeans, some more we came straight after work, without bath and make up..... really funny... hehehe
We took around RM250, including 15% tax. My part was the most expensive, RM90. Yeah, really sweat. I think this is the most expensive meal i ever take for myself alone. But the most expensive meal i ever paid was last year christmas's eve lunch, which i had together with LT. I forgot how much was that but i think is more than RM120 for both of us. It was really one of the sweetest moment i ever had :D
Merry christmas!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
KL-PG Cari Love Forum Gathering (9th December 2006)
Friday night, i got Jouney from Tesco around 11pm. Our bus would wait us around 12.45am at Seberang Jaya. Ya, it was too early for us as we only need 10 minutes to reach there if no jam on bridge. So? i decided to drive in super slow way, 40km/h, LOL. As i was the slowest car on bridge, everyone behind us overtaken my car, until there was almost no car behind me... hehehe...
However, it was also only taken us 20 minutes to reach Pacific Mall. I called Kingfisher immediately to chase them come earlier. After 10 minutes, Kingfisher, Zonlee, and Karen reached. They sneaked into my car then we looked for petrol station for toilet. Surprisingly we we reached the petrol station Kenny was behind us. Coffee Bean, Sagittarian, and LHKPop were in his car. After that we parked our car nearby the place bus would wait us later.
We reached KL Pudu around 5.30am morning. My legs were frozen by the bus air-con. After that we went for some hot drinks while tried to contact Panda who was reached one day earlier than us. Karen left us with her 'relative'? well, i not sure who was that guy. We confirmed Panda the hotel name then took taxi for it. Unfortunately, everyone was shocked when reaching the destination. The so called 'hotel' is actually a renovated double storey shop with very narrow staircase. Everyone was quite dissatisfied with the place. Furthermore it is very not convenient to me. After discussion we decided to find another hotel. Well, we were looked like roovers that time, LOL, carrying bags sitting at road side.
Luckily we met a taxi driver who introduced us an inn. The inn is quite comfortable, however, without a convenient transportation facilities. We had to get taxi everytime we needed to go out. Anyway, it was happy to have a place to rest that time.
I called Yongsoon, my old good friend from secondary school, as we never meet each other for 2 years already. He visited me around 11am. He seem doing great in KL, with new job in Johnson&Johnson, new bought Honda City, and going to be transferred back to JB next month. I am wondering when i only will have such a comfortable life like him. Anyway, he fetched me, Zonlee, Coffee Bean, and Sagi to TimeSquare while Kenny, Kingfisher, Jouney and LHKPop took taxi to go there. At there Coffee Bean brought Sagi to visit around while me and Zonlee went to find the rest of people.
After had our lunch at Kenny Roger (except Sagi and Coffee Bean eaten else place), we went to games corner for games. Around 3pm Panda reached TimeSquare and met us. After that guys were suggested to back Inn for rest before going for the gathering at night. Panda and Kingfisher suggested to go New Way, but too bad canceled as most people wanted to rest.
At 5.30pm me, LHKPop, Zonlee, and Sagi went out again to go Sg.Wang. Kenny was out with his friend, while Coffee Bean was still in rest mode ==. Kingfisher was just reached Inn that time as he went to meet his net friend. We waited for 30 minutes only managed to get a taxi. However, the driver refused to fetched 5 of us altogether. Very sad that Sagi sacrificed herself to stay and would only go the gathering with Coffee Bean and Kingfisher afterward.
We walked from Sg.Wang to Royal then back to TimeSquare. There were crowded with people there and I took a very long walk then. Wow, very tiring man. But I was quite enjoying that, LOL. When we reached TimeSquare StarBucks, we met with Kenny. Kingfisher, Panda, Coffee Bean, and Sagi were ate that time. We planned to go for dinner first, but we surprisingly found that KL members were in the StarBucks already. So? to not let them wait too long we decided to go up first and only buy take away later.
There were quite number of members reached much earlier than us. But as we were not really know each other, KL and PG members were sat separately and shy to communicate. Kenny as our Big brother started the talk first. The first KL member approached us was Ericlooi. Then we met Ms.Brandy, the organizer; Uhuhboy, the deputy of organizer. Slowly the atmosphere was became better with the reaching of Panda. PG and KL members started to talk and communicate. Everything went fine.

Around 11pm the gathering was ending. Inititally Brandy wanted to bring us go for clubbing. However as most people were not interested and it was Saturday night, the pub should be full of people and not convenient to me, so we changed our plan for supper. Karen met us again outside StarBucks eventually. Most KL members were left, except Brandy, Uhuboy and Bluesky.

We reached Inn again at 1.30am. LHKPop was slept off. the rest of us gathered in Kenny's room for chit chat, cards game and beers. We fool around until 5am and then only back for rest.
We checked out Inn next day around 12noon. Then had our lunch at Pudu, and then got on bus to back to Penang.
....... very long post ... spent my one hour again.... tired.. tired....
Friday, December 08, 2006
After 2 hours I still didnt receive any notification. So i called the the service center for explanation. Then the funny thing started. The receptionist started to ask all kind of info to verify my identity, from ATM card number, IC number, my full name, then my mother maiden name. At first i thought i put my mother name as the mother maiden name, but the receptionist told me its not. After think for a while, i request him is there any other way to verify me? as i really cannot recall what name i put. The next question, is even funny, 'what is your memorable date?' ...... errr.... did i really key in answer for these funny question before? ah........
After thought for some time i answered him my birthday, 8th Jan, he said thats not the answer == ..... i started to feel, my 100 ringgits would just gone with these funny questions.... then he tried to remind me whether i put some special date such as my gf's birthday, my mother's birthday, etc. ...... Then i started to think 'dont tell me that i put LT's birthday' .... Ya, with no other choice, i answered him LT's birthday............
Ya, you are right, its her birthday i put ... (-.-") ..... finally he officially said that he finished the verification. Sweat ....... anyway, he said the system had some problem for mobile phone reload service, may need to wait for 2 hours then only process my transaction. Its ok, i wait....
I started to think that, is that possible i put LT's name as my mother maiden name?? .... =="
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Going to Kuala Lumpur for gathering
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Pesta Night
After dinner they planned to go Gurney Plaza for movie. On the way we passed by Pesta and discovered that Pesta is having fun fair for one month period. They changed their mind to go for fun fair. This was the 3rd time i went to Pesta, a big exhibition area which everytime i walk until my legs pain. There are a lot of temporary shop lots in there, with most of them are telecommunication stuff, cloths and food.
Along the walk i had chance to chat with Tee alone (Didnt know where the other guys gone). She is quite nice to talk with as mentioned by David. After a while finally we met those guys again and continued to explore the place. At the fun fair area, there are quite a lot of extreme games. David and 23 played those games while me, Tee and Pyen just looked at them beside.
We left the place around 11pm.
Money flied for no reason again
Before i realised what was happened, 23 asked me whether i hanged my smart tag on windscreen. Ya, then i only recalled that some lowlives smashed my window just for a 100+ ringgits worth smart tag and touch-n-go card. David said that it was lucky because they didnt take away my car. According to him, he can open my Kenari in 10 seconds. ==
With no choice i went to Davod's house in Kulim to sleep. The next day we couldnt get a car shop to replace the window glass as most of them closed on sunday.
This afternoon David's friend, Kelvin came and get my car for replacement and tinted. They recommend me to tint all my window or screen as they would be so easily broken.
By including to money to buy a new smart tag and touch-n-go card, i had spent around 1000 ringgit in 2 days..... what the heck...
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sigh... troublesome accident
I got a letter friday saying that insurance company is waiting for my notification before they can proceed with the claiming process for the victim. The letter also saying that they will not approve the claim if i fail to provide them the documents requested in letter by 29 Nov, in other words, i have to pay the Mercedes!!! .. crap
I called KC, my friend, the culprit of everything, to go police station to get the police report, as requested in the letter. At the mean time, i called KB, my friend who working as insurance agent, for the details. Finally i find out that actually is my car insurance agent's fault, he never mentioned to me that i have to notify insurance company about the accident within 14 days after making police report. This suppose to be his responbility right? And i called him to tell him about the letter, then he only tell me that he got the letter carbon copy days before, what the heck, how can he never call me up for this since he got the letter much earlier than i was?
I was furious but i didnt scold him. He try to calm me down by saying that everything will be fine but he seem dont know what really need to do. He suppose go the insurance branch to fight for me and try to delay the due date for documents submission, but he asked me to call the insurance branch myself to make the request myself. What a good service.
I fade up and make the worst assumption that insurance company will reject the claim. I told my friend that with no choice i have to charge the claim on him, even though i know that he dont really have much money now. A mercedes, a slight scratch is able to claim for 1-2k already... sigh.....
until today KC couldnt get the police report yet. I fax a letter to the insurance branch to request for postpone the due date. Hopefully everything will be fine. I really short of money already.... sigh....
My another weekend
Anyway, not much time left for us, its around 11 more days to the date of gathering, but seem everything is still in a mess. Bus ticket, hotel room, even few members are not sure their attendants yet. Anyway, hopefully eveything will be fine and wish my first trip to KL will have a good memory.
After the discussion, we went to Penang Plaza to take supper and chit chat. Well, I eventually have chance to talk more with them since i knew them 2 months ago. Its quite good to have more friends i think. I reached home around 3am.
The next day i woke up around 9am. It was suck that i couldnt really sleep well all night. I felt so tired and wanted to sleep somemore but i couldnt. I maintained this condition whole morning. At noon, i took some bread then went out for Gurney Plaza. I met zonlee again at Gurney Plaza like last weekend, then went straight to Redbox after parked my car. We late half an hour, Kingfisher, panda, adeline, and Chamelleon were already singing in there.
Well, i was still tired. Every song i sang sound like energyless (bo lat in Hookkian) ..haha..... So i didnt sing much. After 3 hours of fun we went back around 5pm.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
I am waiting my turn
By the way, I felt a little bit frustrated as well. When i can meet my girl? a girl that know how to appreciate me with not only saying that "You are a great guy, but i dont have feel on you". Hopefully the girl will not only appears after 1000 years, which I dont know where am I that time..... hmmm... i am still waiting....waiting my turn....
Monday, November 20, 2006
Penang Cari Love Forum gathering - Third one i think (18th November 2006)

This was the most messy love gathering since i started to join them from the first one. Why? because there were too many people. There were noone there when me and Zonlee reached coffee bean in Gurney Plaza after our Part 1 of Dark Forum gathering. In one hour time, the amount of participants shot up to 40+ people. Half of the coffee bean was occupied by us.
I was one of the hardcore members who attended every single gathering beside Chameleon, Egg, 浮罗仔, Cindy Ong, Kingfisher and of course our great organizer Adeline and her sister CutiePanda. I didnt really talk much with them as usual == .... well, i am low profile :p keekeeke...

Anyway, this gathering was full of handsome guys and pretty girls (common standard). However, the one really atracted me was not the member. The girl name Tina is tcgien's friend who he coincidently met there. I only manage to say hi to her but didnt talk much ... haha .... Anyway, the whole gathering was a bit messy as members scattering around and communicate in small groups. But i think those who really dare and active mange to get know most of the people there, of course especially those pretty girls, LOL.
Me and Zonlee left when David called me to go Seawind for Part 2 of Dark Forum gathering :)

My Dark Forum Penang Gathering (18th November 2006)
I reached Gurney Plaza to meet Zonlee around 3pm and went for parking place together. According to the plan, the Dark Forum members were in cinema that time. So i throwed a sms to the organizer, Apple, to contact me after the movie finished. During the time me and Zonlee decided to go for some food first.
After food, chat and everything, we found that we sat there more than 1.5 hour, then we decided to walk around. Finally Apple called me when we dropped by Popular book store. When we walked to the entrance of book store, we saw quite number of people there (around 20 of them) but i didnt see Apple (saw her picture in the forum). So i not really sure whether those people were the members, somemore they were scattering around and didnt look like a group. i called Apple again to confirm and and ensured they are the people i am looking for, and Apple herself was entered the book store to buy something, thats why i didnt see her there.
After a brief introduction they planned to go for food at Gurney drive. Well, thats not really convenient to me as the distance is not near. So me and Zonlee decided not to follow them. Ya, the time time was still early, another 2 hours to my next gathering - Cari Penang Love Forum gathering (they now seem like gather once a month (-.-") ... kekekeke...
A while later Apple and the gang came back because outside started to rain ==. So we decided to join them for tea at foodcourt. I talked with only few of them. Around 7pm they left for steamboat. But we need to join love gathering, so didnt follow them. Thats concluded the Dark Forum Gatheringg Part 1.... kekekeke

Wahaha ... here come Part 2 :p
After we left the Love gathering we went straight to Seawind motel beach. David and Junhern were there waiting for us. Surprisingly got knew that all the Dark Forum guyz were living inside the motel. After a short while Apple, Hau, VincentLai (hopefully i spell his name correctly) and Cheewai came down. Then i only knew that actually Apple and David were actually school mate, Apple is his senior.
We had some beer and had some talk, then they went back motel again to play cards. Me, David, Junhern and 23 (he came a short while after Zonlee left) continued our men talk downstairs. After that David asked me to go up find them together. Ya, I am fine as long as he managed to get me up. There was no people at all when we reached upstairs. All were stayed in room, some were slept. David walked straight into Apple room, and i thought she was sleeping alone inside. Then few guys came out from next door and asked David dont disturb her rest. LOL, i wonder what he would do if those guys were not came out. I expect that i would need to wait him 1 hour outside :p
We had a short talk with the guys who still awake. After that we went down and continued our men talk. Thats concluded my Part 2 of this gathering.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Fell down again - Celaka betul
The lucky part was i landed nicely this time, no injury and no pain. The unlucky part was nobody in home. Oh gosh... i had to get up myself... As i never fell down for past 2 years, it became so clumsy for me to get myself up. Firstly i tried with holding toilet bowl which was beside me. But i just couldnt make it. Then i crawled into kitchen to get my trolly and tried to get up with it. I failed also because my knees were too painful when i kneel on floor. I cant get up with kneel on floor first. And i found myself was almost on the limit. I started to become so tired. My hands and legs were a bit not listening to my order already.
I gave up my trolly, lied on the floor to take some rest. After a short while i decided to try with my bed. Then i crawled into my bedroom from kitchen through my toilet. By the the time i reached my bed, i started to feel my waist was so pain. I took 10 minutes rest again before i continued my struggle. Eventually i managed to climb up my bed. Phew~~ if not i might to lie on floor until my housemate shows up. By the time i got up, i was already late 1 hour to work. With no choice i had to get a half day leave again.. ==
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
10th November 2006, my bad day.
Zhuan called for a gathering in Juru, around 8pm. However, i crossed the Penang Bridge around 5pm to avoid terrible jam at evening later. Since the time is still early, i went to Jawi to meet David and Zhuan first before head to Huisy house to fetch her. At Jawi, I had Ba Kut Teh as early dinner with David, Zhuan and Hans. It was started to rain before we get out from the shop. Around 6.30pm me and Zhuan went to Huisy house in Bt. Tambun to fetch her. Her house is quite big. After Zhuan taken his bath then we departed to Juru.
On the way to Juru, the rain getting heavy. We waited at McDonald car park for Apple. Around 8pm, Apple came and we decided to had our dinner at Secret Recipe next to McDonald. I left my car in the car park and walked to Scret Recipe. Apple hold umbrella for me and Huisy ran herself fast towards the cafe in heavy rain, cool lady.
After some time we settle down at Secret Recipe, Zonlee, Cat, Kee and Dragon came sequently. We eat chat and drink there until around 11pm, while waiting the always late David and Junhern. Dragon left the earliest. A short while after David and Junhern reached, Kee, Cat, Zonlee, and Huisy wanted to go back as they needed to work the next day. Then we the all 5 guys left there decided to buy some beers and drink near Butterworth beach side.
I was thinking to go toilet before get my car. However, I was so careless to see a step that so near to the table we sat just now. I think that was because the floor is all same in color meanwhile the area was a bit dark therefore i couldnt see the step. By the time Apple warn to be careful I was falling down to the floor already. I felt that i was okay as i didnt feel any pain on my body and limbs. However, when they help me up I saw there was a big pool of blood on the floor. By the time only see that blood dropped from around my mouth. I thought that i crashed my teeth but thats was not. After they check out my face only saw that there was a hole on my chin. Sucks man.....
Immediately they sent me to hospital. I had 3 stitches there. For the past few days I was not able to chew hard thing. It was even worse on saturday as I couldnt really speak and drink properly. The ridiculous part was I spent 5 hours to finish one bowl of porridge that day.... grrrrr.....
Now my wound is getting better and the thread suppose to be removed on this coming friday.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Relationship - a 2 ways communication
01) 我告诉你的弱点, 你说你不了解你.
i told you about your weaknesses, you said that i am not understanding you
02) 我告诉你的问题, 你说是我引成的.
i told you about yor problem, you said that that i am the one who caused it
03) 我不挖苦因为我不想记得一些不快乐事情, 你觉得我是逃避问题.
i did not critic because i dont want to recall some unhappy business, but you said that i am escaping problem
04) 你说你说过就算了, 可是你都一直都那么介意.
you said that you always not take into heart what you said, but you actually taking them so hard
05) 我不高兴的反应, 你说我给你一种压力.
i not happy, you said that i am giving you pressure
06) 你不高兴的反应, 因为你说是你的性格.
you not happy, you said thats your personality
Well, of course thats only one side words, I need to know what happened from the girl's perspective as well, before i make any judgement. Anyway, if what he mentioned there is true, then we can see here, communication will never success with one way message transmission. Relationship is a two ways communication. We can never hope that someone in this world can understand us perfectly. Yup, you may feel guy A is understand you more than girl B, but i ensure you, if another matter happens, you might find out girl B is more tolerating you than guy A.
I always think that, a good communication build good relationship. However, it seem that most people now-a-days are more concerning on their own feel than how others feel. if noticed carefully, its not hard to find person which described in (05) and (06) above : I can be not happy, but you cannot. Well, dont blame on others not understanding you if you never try to understand them. This make yourself look so naive and unreasonable.
也许,现代人越来越不懂得表达感激。“谢谢”两个字,似乎是那么的不珍贵,可能甚至比花花公子口里的“我爱你”更加卑贱。 又有多少人,是打从心里,把这两个字说出口的呢?
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
My most recent photoes

Thursday, November 02, 2006
我终于了解。。。 - I've learned
I've learned -
that you cannot make someone love you;
All you can do is be a person who can be loved,
the rest, is out of your control.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that no matter how much I care I gave,
some people would just dont care.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that it takes years to build up trust;
but only seconds to destroy it.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that it's not what thing you have in your life counts;
but who you have in your life.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that you can only use your charm for about 15 minutes;
After that, you'd better know something.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that you shouldn't compare to the best others can do;
but compare to the best you can do.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that you can do something in an instant
and make yourself regret for life.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that it's not what happens to others matter;
but how they react to it.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that no matter how thin you slice it,
there are always 2 sides.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that it's taking me a very very long time,
to become the person I want to be.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Harddisk crashed
Luckily he told me the old heart was able to function for a moment with external tool. I was just hoped that i was able to retrieve all my data. After he finished put in both the new and old heart into my laptop, we tried to browse through what were still available. Unfortunately he told me that most part of the old heart was spoilt, sobs sobs....... only 40% of data were available ... and half of them are not really important to me ...... most of my important data were gone in the wind ~~~ .. sigh....
After i discharged my laptop from hospital, i found that its just rather like a new laptop, with nothing inside... I tried to ask around if anyone still keeping the documents and emails that i needed. Surprisingly my department spice girl (who now is stationed in US), keeping half of the emails i needed... oh.. she is my saviour ..... haha......
Anyway, I still lost some important data... hopefully this wont affect my work significantly.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Back to Penang
I enjoyed so much for my holidays. It was the first time i went back my home in Johor Bahru after 7 months. Very happy to see everyone is in healthy and good condition. I didnt really went any place during the days. Lets summarize what i had done :
1. I went to my junior's friend (Tiong) home, for his house warming party, and his birthday celebration as well. His home is quite big and look comfortable. Tiong seem saw me before in UTM, and surprizingly he was same batch with me. After that we went to nasi kandar shop to meet my secondary school classmates in Taman Tun Aminah. I made a mistake with wrongly recognized his new gf as his ex.... well, i wonder what will happen to him after he go back home :p
2. I went to UTM to meet my ex-supervisor and his student, which now is under my supervision for her master research. Well, she seem did a lot of work for the past 8 months and obtained encouraging results. So envy her as she seem learnt a lot of thing throughout the period. I wasted too much of time during my time. After the meeting my junior fetched me to her house then to Jaya Jusco (in Skudai) to meet TS and then PL. This is the first time i meet PL (get know her officially) after so many years of hearing her name (i not really recognized her during secondary school time, as my junior). I agreed with my Junior that PL is getting mature and attractive. Well, on the other hand TS seem become more thoughtful than before. He has his very strong and solid view on his life, even though some of them i feel is not really realistics. Anyway, its good to have such view, good for him to strengthen his faith.
3. I cut my long hair that i kept for 7 months. Well, seem my long hair not really appreciated among my friends and their comments were "old fashion style". I dyed my hair with light brown color with super short hair cut. I got very good response from my colleagues today with my spiky standing brownish hairs in office. Cool.... look a bit like hip hop fella now... hehe
4. I finished 20 CDs long taiwan idolic drama in 4 days... what a lame record.... The story is about the love journey between a couple that their single parent going to marry as well (in simple word, the girl's mother going to marry the guy's father, then they will become siblings-in-law). The guy is cool, until he has a nickname as 'devil'. I think most of the girls now like this kind of guy huh.... cool, stylish, do everything in own way that clash with most people's expectation, while having a warm, kind and helpful heart. Ya, thats not me, for sure.... even though i try to be bad sometime... kekekeke
5. LT called me, had some talk.
6. I cant stand my nephew. He is super naughty, hyper-active, like a monkey. He bites me with no reasons, run everywhere while crying for my dad (his grandpa), very busybody (he wants to touch everything that you going to touch)...... the worst is he speak dirty words..... feel wanted to kick him. .. in contrast, my niece is very good girl and quiet, i like her very much.
7. My cousin married, but his wedding dinner clash with my flight back to Penang yesterday. Therefore i didnt go to his dinner. Well, no choice, he declared his date too late, i had booked my place.
I think thats all I had....
8. Oh ya... forgot to mention that i changed my spectacles as well...hehehhe
Friday, October 27, 2006
Key - 钥匙
A big lock hang on a door. A big steel rod tried its best to knock the lock out but it failed to open the door. Then come a small, tiny key. The key insert itself into into the lock and turn itself gently, the lock opened in no time. The steel rod felt puzzled and asked the key "How do you do that as i failed no matter how much energy i put on the lock?" The key answered "because i understand its heart"
(Everyone's heart is like a door with big lock, you can never open it with force. Only with care, you can turn yourself become a small, tiny key, that able to go into his/her heart, and understand him/her)
Even though my experience told me that not every heart lock can be open with care and love, but i think there is no other better way right? or do you have one? Please kindly let me know if you have :) thanks
Friday, October 20, 2006
Long holidays
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Penang 2nd Love Forum gathering

Hehe... actually this event was held on last last saturday which was 7th October but I was so tight to give a blog on it. The gathering again was organized by Adeline and quite number of people attended first gathering were there. Many new people were attended as well, LOL, with more girls this time.
The event was quite succeed as everything went fine and everyone had chance to play games together can chat to each other. Anyway, I was very low profile as usual and therefore not really knew many new people there.
The night was Adeline's birthday as well. Me, Chameleon, Eggs, Panda (Adeline's younger sister), and XiaMi were shared to buy her a big birthday cake and present. The atmosphere was quite nice until Adeline almost teared when we sang the birthday song for her. Chameleon even made a lot of 'red eggs' for her. This was the only time i knew people actually used the distributed red eggs to knock birthday girl's head as action to give good luck to her, LOL, interesting. Poor Adeline was been chased with red eggs for whole night.
Anyway, situation was became so tricky after she made her birthday wishes and wanted to take off the candles from cake with mouth, as you know, everyone was wanted to push her face on cake at the moment. She spent almost 10 minutes to prepared herself for the action, with even all the girls surrounded her to prevent guys got near to her. Eventually she abled to remove those candles 'safely'. Of course she need to cut and distribute cakes to everyone. Syanboy surprisingly throw his share of cake on Adeline's face right after he accepted it from her. Everyone was laugh and started to 'blame' Syanboy for the action, LOL, a lesson to her, always be prepared even in the situation you think is safe.
We fooled around until midnight and finally stop our gathering as the cafe shutting down. The night was quite nice and memorable. Looking forward for more events, hehe.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Food poisoning?
At midnight Raj and Andrian found out i was sick then they decided to bring me for doctor. We drove for around 40 minutes but most of the clinics were closed. The doctor eventually we found actually knows me and Andrian as he came for the Kumar BBQ last year in our home. Anyway, he is so relax and not really look like a doctor. He gave me a jab and 1 day MC.
Now i am still uncomfortable.. hopefully tomorrow i am ok and able to go for office.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Why say sorry...
Saturday night Irene asked us why a guy would turn down a girl's confession (what happened to her best friend), since her friend is very pretty and nice. Well, if i know the answer, i think i wont be so miserable now. You might be able to give 1000 reasons, but doesnt mean you are able to get an answer from them. There is no answer i think, you are just cant accept him/her at that moment, no matter you like him/her or not. Ya, hurt, is the only outcome; but no sorry please.... No matter what, you have to take it, no matter how pain it is.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Visit to Old Folks House

Sunday I went to Penang Home (a old folks house) with Forum friends. This event was planned and organized by us which i mentioned in my previous post. As saturday night I was slept quite late, it became so difficult for me to wake up :( I blurly clean myself and I only found that i forgot to bring my breads after wnet into my car :( hungry ah ......
When i reached yusin home, she managed to sense my car and carried a radio came out before i miss call her. She looked so busy and told me to wait her a while as she need to put on her jeans. She came out very fast as she worrried that she would be late. Hehe.... this was the first time i see her never wear nicely but only t-shirt and jeans. After came in car she asked me was she looked ugly =.= ....
Anyway, I would like to compliment her here as she woke up at 3am to prepare the sandwiches alone. I had nothing to say but salute her attitude. Kudos.

We still late at the end, LOL... But luckily yusin is cute enough so nobody was blaming her. Everything went on quite fine. We sang, dance, fed the senior citizens with sandwiches, played balls with them, fed them lunch and so on. Eventhough the situation was a bit lost control as many members were shy to take initiative to interact with the senior citizens there. However, I could feel that they were very happy to see us. Before we left Cooler as our representative distribute angpow (red pocket) to every of them. The rest of the money was donated to old folks house for daily operation expence.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
My saturday and Tanglung Festival
She went to BJC to pay downpayment for her new car, a Perodua Kelisa. Well, her dream car is actually BMW but due to financial constraint she had to "bear" with the small Kelisa. After that we went to Gurney Plaza. The reason we went there was because she likes to read book in book store such as Popular. Nothing much to describe here as we stayed there the whole day for reading.
At evening we had to rush back Bayan Baru to meet our friends for dinner and then to join a tanglung fest at PISA (Penang International Sport Arena). However, we lost in town as YS pointed me a wrong road and we went into KOMTAR (Kompleks Tunku Abdul Rahman) area which is full with confusing road signs. We spent 20 minutes time to find the way out and we definitely would late. Therefore we called our friends not to go the place so early. As we reached the place for dinner, they were not yet there, even after we finished our food. As our friends brought his friends as well, we decided to go PISA sepearately.
At PISA, the assistants there seem not really know the exactly route to the location of event. After few misleading instructions I had walked almost half of the sport arena before i reached the spot, damn tired!!! The worse part was rain started to pour down and YS had to carry umbrella to cover both of us. Felt a bit pity on her la as she is actually weak but had to carry such a big and heavy umbrella, until she had to exchange her hand to carry it every couple of miles.
At the event spot we saw the biggest ice-carved tanglung (Lantern) in Malaysia. It was been recorded into Malaysia Guiness Record. Anyway, i didnt really feel the tanglung was attractive in any angle. At night they started the performances. Quite number of programmes were presented such as chinese orchestra, dances, live bands, magic show, sing, and mask changing. The programmes that surprised me were the mask changing and magic show. They were actually presented by same girl which is only 18 years old. However, her skills are superb and definitely she still have a lot of potential in this area. Most importantly she is pretty and sexy, kekekeke.....
The whole programme was finished around 10.30pm and the area rain again. This time the rain was heavier compared to the evening one. I walked with YS again towards my car which was parked pretty far away, while she had to carry the big umbrella again. Pity girl, hehehe...
Saturday, September 30, 2006
I dont need for now
However, David said why i not give it a try if i have interest on Irene, as Irene and Steve are not confirm their relationship yet. Immediately i replied him that i dont want to involve myself into a triangle relationship again. I admit that Irene is a good girl and i have a very good impression on her. But i really dont have the intention to have any relationship right now. I found myself is so sick to get a gf now. Maybe thats because i am tired, or i am escaping something, or whatever reason that i dont really care. I want a gf, but i dont need for now.
I only want to know more people and make more friends now. Ya, friends are the best.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Hi Hi...
Anyway, one of my colleague, YS, refers me a lot for master study stuff... she wants to pursue her master but in a dilemma to choose between the project provided by company or project provided by Maxis. She is more interest in tele-communication stuff but worrying about her financial state if she resign for the Maxis project. The funniest part she is so indecisive. Yesterday she might tell you that she wanted to resign, but today saying that stay in the company is better, and tomorrow she may feel that having the urge to do tele-communication stuff.... sigh... this girl... are most women so yoyo??
Friday, September 22, 2006
Charity day to Old Folks House
Everything is going fine now. We have commited Leehoong86, YS, FlyMeToTheMoon as committees. Yusin is doing quite well even though this is her first time chairing a program like this. However, our biggest challenges now are the amount of attentees one the day and how much money we can collect from them to meet the budget we need.
Anyway, I am quite confident that this program can be done successfully :)
Monday, September 18, 2006
BBQ night
We reached Irene's home around 3.30pm and she was cleaning her house. Then the 3 girls started to prepare the food. '23' (Irene's friend) helped to arrange chairs and others. Well, I didnt know what i could help and they just let me to watch TV for whole evening. Felt little bit guilty to let those girls do all the stuff and i just waited for food :(
Around 8pm Apple came. Finally there was someone to talk with. The girls and 23 started BBQ the food. Need to say well done to them as they taken care of almost everything. After that Huisy, Zhuan, Pyen, Yun, David, Hans, Vivian, JunHeng came one after another. By the time it was already 11pm. Pyen bought a 3 litres volume of VSOP. Man, I never see such a big bottle of liquer.
After all people finished their food then we started to play games and drink. We played 'bing bong biang' and '369', the one lost had to drink. Cat, JunHeng and Yun the one drank the most. Around 2am Ken reached. We continued the games all the way until 6am. I drank quite some of liquer but i was not really drunk, in contrast my mind was very clear, eventhough my body was damn tired. Most people left by 8am. I took some rest and left with Dragon, Cat and Huisy to meet David and Apple in butterworth to have Brunch (Breakfast + Lunch). After sent all the girls home I only abled to reach home around 3pm on Sunday. By the time I couldnt withstand anymore and slept on bed straight away until night.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Happy Meal Competition
There were some criterias set. No fire, healthy food, halal (allowed for Muslim), and must be prepared within 1.5 hour. My group was divided into 2 teams to join this competition. My team had prepared steamed smashed pumpkins mixed corns, spaghetti with tomato sauce, salad with olive oil, yogurt mixed honey dew, and yogurt mixed mango.
i didnt really help much, except dig out all the fresh from a pumpkin to make it skin as bowl for our foods. Besides that, i also created name for each food and need to tell the judges how about our foods. Anyway, i think all of us quite enjoy it even though we didnt win the title. :)

Thursday, September 14, 2006
自以为是 - Arrogant
If a guy that you feel he is arrogant, criticizing that you are arrogant, will you re-evaluate yourself? or insist that he is arrogant? .... Since you are feeling that he is arrogant, are you really able to re-evaluate yourself?
Monday, September 11, 2006
Motivate my life >.< efil ym etavitoM
However, I think thats most youngsters' problem as well. Get lost in life goal, not really sure what they want to achieve in their life, always complaining ....... --> shit ... am i talking myself <--
Dont worry, everything will be fine. As one of my friend said "everyone has their down time". I think my down time will be over pretty soon, hopefully. I am trying hard to motivate myself, i cant just leave my life become worse, for my beloved parents, family.... Thats how i survived for the past 25 years, wasnt it?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Cat graduation celebration night
The steamboat shop was fullhouse when we reached there. Luckily the boss saw me and recognized that i went there before for Cool gathering. He specially let us taken a table that booked by others. After 2 hours of BQQ, cooked, fried, chat and jokes, all of us reached our limits, but there were still some food that couldnt finish. Penalty will be charged if left any extra food there. Therefore all of us, especially me and zhuan had to squeeze as most as food into our mouth. Haha.... few pieces of beef that we really couldnt finish, we left them burn on the fire and then left on table ... hmmm... very wasted right?
After that we went to e-gate to meet Davids and Irene. Both of them are knew from Penang IM group too. David is working as assistant in a mobile phone shop. Irene then is a stewardess in SIA (Singapore International Airline). Ya, first time i know a stewardess as friend, LOL. We sit there drink and chat for quite long time. Suddenly I got a call from Weiyue, which i had never expected, since he is always OT at night recently. He asked me to look at 6 o'clock direction (mean left), but i got turn my head to right. Ya, sure, he teased me that 3 o'clock direction :s .... Surprisingly he was outside the shop. Anyway, he was with his friends so we didnt really talk much.
Then David brought quite number of friends. He really know a lot of people man.... Jin, Ham, then lastly came another pretty girl. We left the place only after 12.30am.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Remembering Yvonne Tan
I got a blog from my friend about Yvonne Tan. She passed away in Auckland, New Zealand June 2006, due to brain tumor that couldnt be eliminated even after several operations. She was an actress that ever involved in few famous drama and movie including Xena - The Warrrior Princess. However, what really touched me is her courage and faith to face the death.
Yvonne Tan’s funeral at the SGINZ ( Soka Gakkai Internation New Zealand) Culture Centre in Auckland, Saturday morning; 17 June 2006, was an event. It set a precedent, it was the first funeral service held in a Kaikan in New Zealand. It was a celebration, a festival of song and dance, with an Austin Powers theme, which Yvonne had requested, just prior to her death. The reason - She wanted everyone to be HAPPY on that day !.
Was this really a funeral? ... No, It was a celebration! As Yvonne's wishes
I adapted here a poem writen by Yvonne :
~ Read Me ~
Who knewIt could happen,
That our paths would cross one day
And here you are.
Remembering every word,
And of all the things
The spirit has to say...
Guess I
Was hoping that,
You wouldn't see right through me.
Then... there you are,
Pondering every word.
So should I...
Or should I not speak?
I get to know you,
The intimacy of ink & paper.
There you are.
Reading me like a book.
And I am comfortable in your presence,
There cannot be one without the other.
Ideas through the years,
Releasing of the sub-conscious mind.
So. Here you are.
Absorbing every word.
And through you and this,
Some of me will float in everlasting time.
Poem By:
Yvonne Tan
13 Oct 2004
Weekend drama marathon
Besides that, my favourite Brazil thrashed Argentina 3-0 in friendly match held in London, England. Hehe... young Brazilians are really excellent!
Friday, September 01, 2006

Malaysia is a federation of 13 states in Southeast Asia, formed in 1963. The country consists of two geographical regions divided by the South China Sea:

Peninsular Malaysia (or West Malaysia) on the Malay Peninsula shares a land border on the north with Thailand and is connected by the Johor-Singapore Causeway and the Malaysia-Singapore Second Link to the south with Singapore. It consists of the 9 sultanate states of Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Selangor and Terengganu, two states with a governor namely Malacca and Penang, and the two federal territories of Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysian Borneo (or East Malaysia) occupies the northern part of the island of Borneo, bordering Indonesia and surrounding the Sultanate of Brunei. It consists of the states of Sabah and Sarawak and the federal territory of Labuan island.
As states of Malaysia were formerly British colonies, many Malaysian institutions are based on those of the British. For instance, the Malaysian system of government draws heavily on the British Westminster system. The head of state is the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (colloquially referred to as the King), who is elected from among the state sultans to a five-year term, making Malaysia one of two elective monarchies in the world (the other is Vatican City).
As a constitutional monarchy, executive power is vested in the Prime Minister, with the King serving as more of a figurehead. The legislative branch consists of Parliament, which is mostly based on the British Parliament. A judiciary has also been established under the Constitution. The Barisan Nasional (National Front), a coalition of several political parties, has ruled Malaysia since Malaya's independence in 1957.>
Initially heavily dependent on agricultural and mining activities, the Malaysian economy has since shifted its focus to manufacturing and tourism as its major sources of income. Despite the shift, Malaysia remains one of the top producers of rubber and palm oil. In the 1970s, the government implemented the controversial New Economic Policy (NEP) to address an income disparity between the Malays and Chinese.
Although historically dominated by the Malays, modern Malaysian society is heterogeneous, with substantial Chinese and Indian minorities. Malaysian politics have been noted for their allegedly communal nature; the three major component parties of the Barisan Nasional each restrict membership to those of one ethnic group, and the only major violence the country has seen since independence was the May 13 Incident of racial rioting in the wake of an election campaign based on racial issues.
(source : wikipedia)Thursday, August 31, 2006
Happy Birthday Malaysia
Oh gosh, running out of topic, I should talk about Malaysia here right? LOL ... bleh...
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I always hope that I can get a wife that enjoying cook, or at least, willing to cook. I never expect a girl who even lazy to cook for her ownself will enjoy cooking for her husband and kids for long term (of course, with whatever I can help. I am not that kind guy who will watch tv or chatting online while wife is busying in kitchen... anyway, its up to you to believe it or not). Ya, its true that she can still cook even she is not enjoying, but dont you think that already lost the meaning on those effort?
I think I will like to cook, or maybe, enjoying in cook. hmm.... but i worry i will burn my house if i do it alone, LOL....
昨晚和ET聊了相当长的一段时间,应该有3个小时吧。聊到一半,玩笑开着开着,她突然说我和以前一样好胜,什么都要说赢别人。。。 呵呵,其实这点我早就知道了,就是怎么也改不过来。 回头想想,也就是这股好胜的性格让我熬到今天吧。我的生活一切都比普通人难,如果没有那股死不认输的性格,我想我早就放弃自己了吧。 那我这股好胜的性格到底是好事坏呢? 我也不知道
有时候还真的很矛盾。很多时候话就是那么自动的从口而出,说出来之后才发觉那句话会让人觉得我很爱面子。但我想很多时候我说的话只是说出了我的想法,我应该没有强词夺理吧, 呵呵,可能有但我自己不知道 :P
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Start everything all over again
Monday, August 28, 2006
Very tiring weekend
On friday night i had a dinner with my lab mates during my research time in university. The dinner was quite nice and it was quite happy too as I had never meet them for quite some time. There were 8 of us including KW and Avin's girlfriend.
On saturday, I went to my colleague (she is my junior as well), Ira's wedding in Kepala Batas. I met up my other colleagues before that and had dim-sum as our brunch. I saw my junior Sharon as well, after 3 years since i last met her. Her boyfriend is my colleague + junior as well, LOL. It took more than 1 hour for us to reach the venue. I had driven quite fast on highway to catch their cars and thats really challenging :D , fun too... The funny thing was i drove follow my friend's car into 'touch n go' lane at highway toll and only found that none of us in car having 'touch n go' card. Luckily there was no car behind us and I reversed my car immediately. But the cash paying lane was in long queue, I couldnt reverse my car any further and so I tried to sneak in the queue by put on signal. Then those cars went through one by one with no intention to let me in and somemore waived their hands and smiled on us. :S
As we reached the venue, Ira was just reached as well and the ceremony started. I couldnt really recognize her as she put on some make up and taken off her glasses. After taken some food and photoes we left the place and went to Megamall in Prai. We just wanted to kill some time there as they planned to have seafood dinner in Batu Kawan. I couldnt join them as I promised a friend to attend Tzu Chi charity show in Pesta. Morgan and Kelvin followed me went back early.

We went to fetch YS for dinner and then sent Morgan and Kelvin back. A bit surprise the YS told me that she wants to resign to pursue her master degree. I felt a little sad as I am quite close with her. I not really have many close female colleagues in office. We were slightly late for the show. The most terrible thing is the car park is very very far from the stage. I walked for maybe more than 500 metres to reach there. My shirt was all wet when i sat down in the hall. The show was not bad. I think that was the first time I ever hear a famous taiwan singer sang live in front of me. It was amazing they can sing so well and touching the audience. The show finished around 10pm and I had to walk again back to car park :( . After sending YS back, I rushed back to home and rest. Thats really tired. But the next day I had to go out as well. sobs sobs.
Sunday I went to Pesta again for Tzu Chi charity sales. There was so crowded and jam like hell. The worst part was the map printed on coupon was so misleading. I turned into the wrong path (even though i just went there the night before, how stupid i am). After I came out the the path I joined the terrific jam again. Finally i reach the 'correct' path, but they told me that the entrance was only for exit! Even though that was the only entrance printed on coupons!!! They wanted me to take a big round to enter from the main entrance, which you couldnt find on coupons even though you check them out with microscope. The best part was, the main entrance is actually just 100 metres behind me, but i spent one hour to go into makro to take a turn and came back. That was a sucked planning man.
As i finally parked my car in Pesta, I met my collegue CJ and started to walk around. There were so many stalls until i couldnt visit all of them. We bought and ate and checked out everything we could see there. I had more than RM150 coupons and I really bought a lot of food. Half of the food (I think more than half :P) i gave to Michael, hehehe.....
Ya, That concluded my very tiring weekend. phew ~~ ....
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tired ah..... am i going to sick?
No lay-off?
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Penang 1st Massive Cari Love Forum gathering
There was little girl, Yusin, ride in my car that day. I was a bit shocked when i first looked at her dress :p She was so cute, Kawaii neh.... LOL, but she was a little bit looked like underage, anyway, she is young wat, only 20. She said she just got her scholarship and wanted to buy me the expenses on the gathering BBQ. Ya, since she was so enthusiastic on that, I agreed her. Then she passed me RM50, and what really surprised me was she told me that "It would be good for guy to give the money in front of others". She is young, but seem she is quite understand how to take care of guy's dignity, even though i am really dont mind about who is giving money in front of others.
After fetched her at her house, we went to Makro to wait for Adeline, the organizer. We followed their car and lost them in Greenland. Then Yusin only told me that she felt that she know how to go Seawind =.=" ... At Seawind, the first guy i met was 浮罗仔。It is so surprised that he is only working in my company. After signed up the participants list and paid money, we started to BBQ and eat. Adeline and her sister, Gemin, and their friend, Tze Ling, Bryan, 小虾米,me, yusin and 浮罗仔 were sit surrounding same table. After a while more people came. 变色龙, 无聊笨蛋, 字母怪兽, tkchuan, kslim, kingfisher, hocksoon, karen, angel, 微洁,cindy, winnie..... and a lot more from another gahtering (Cari car team) that held at same place same time (they purposely made it actually).
I left the place after around 1.10pm as yusin must rush back to home by 11pm. According to her, this is her home rule, and can never violate it =.=' .... The others seem stayed there until 1am. I missed a lot of fun thing i think. I talked a lot with yusin in car as there was jam along the road back to her home. We reached her house around 11.15pm, slightly late, but seem still acceptable by her parents. I reached home around 11.40pm and managed to watch the last 10 minutes of Arsenal game, LOL.
It was a quite good experience even though i am quite passive in the gathering not really talked much with all the people. But i still feeling happy, by knowing quite few new friends. :)
Friday, August 18, 2006
Major retrenchment
It is really sucks that we have to carry the effects of lame management and strategy planning they made. We just intaken around 15k of people in last 2 years, isnt that funny?
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Retrenchment letter to home?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Pulau Ketam gathering -> disappointingly dropped
First half performance report
Monday, August 14, 2006
What happened in Weekend?
Anyway, i didnt go any place this weekend. Its tired as i went out almost every week last month. Felt want to cut my hairs but lazied to go out.
Last night my housemate's, Raj, car tyre flat but he failed to unscrew the nuts in order to replace it. LOL. He and Adrian (My another housemate) worked on it for an hour but still failed to do it. They put the spanner on tyre nut and both step on it and swung, LOL. But the nut was still tightly sticked on its place without any rotation at all! I wonder how it was screwed on the tyre last time, it was so tight!
Finally Raj called up his rescue team, Jeff and Stephen. After another 30 minutes, eventually the 4 guys defeated the 5 stubborn nuts. LOL.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Short term memory lost --> STML
1. This morning one of my net-friend say hi to me and then ask me to see her display picture, sincei never know her look. But due to my office only allowing windows messenger that does not support display picture feature, i cant see her picture there. After I came back from lunch, I message her to ask her why she messaged me this morning. The funny part was i recalled it after 10 minutes and message her again to tell her what i recalled. hmmm....
2. My colleague bought me lunch and I thought want to pay her after finished the food. As after finished the food we raised up some discussion and I forgot about it. Then when came out from cafe and walking back to lab, i recalled the payment and thought want to pay her in lab. After I came out from toilet and I totally forgot about that. She talked with me again for 30minutes but i didnt recall anything about the payment. I recalled it again after I reached home and felt want to sms her after bath.... again, forgotten, until now I only recall it!!! because i am writing this blog ... eventually, the sms was sent 5 minutes ago. LOL
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
A new couple
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
My niece

My 2nd sis-in-law sent me my niece pictures, she is so cute ... but i never seen her since her born. Hopefully can meet her in October during holidays.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Margaret farewell meet
After dinner Margaret had to go back with her parents, then Zhuan was going back to Alor Setar, the rest of us then decided to go for KTV. We got a room in Oriental and then sang for 4 hours there. Enigma was sleeping most of the time. Cat and Dragon drink and smoke quite lot (they declared that they seldom do that). Are they having lots of problem and get stress? hmmm... i not sure. I think I cant help much as well. I reached home around 5am and straightaway collapsed on my bed :)