I reached Gurney Plaza to meet Zonlee around 3pm and went for parking place together. According to the plan, the Dark Forum members were in cinema that time. So i throwed a sms to the organizer, Apple, to contact me after the movie finished. During the time me and Zonlee decided to go for some food first.
After food, chat and everything, we found that we sat there more than 1.5 hour, then we decided to walk around. Finally Apple called me when we dropped by Popular book store. When we walked to the entrance of book store, we saw quite number of people there (around 20 of them) but i didnt see Apple (saw her picture in the forum). So i not really sure whether those people were the members, somemore they were scattering around and didnt look like a group. i called Apple again to confirm and and ensured they are the people i am looking for, and Apple herself was entered the book store to buy something, thats why i didnt see her there.
After a brief introduction they planned to go for food at Gurney drive. Well, thats not really convenient to me as the distance is not near. So me and Zonlee decided not to follow them. Ya, the time time was still early, another 2 hours to my next gathering - Cari Penang Love Forum gathering (they now seem like gather once a month (-.-") ... kekekeke...
A while later Apple and the gang came back because outside started to rain ==. So we decided to join them for tea at foodcourt. I talked with only few of them. Around 7pm they left for steamboat. But we need to join love gathering, so didnt follow them. Thats concluded the Dark Forum Gatheringg Part 1.... kekekeke

Wahaha ... here come Part 2 :p
After we left the Love gathering we went straight to Seawind motel beach. David and Junhern were there waiting for us. Surprisingly got knew that all the Dark Forum guyz were living inside the motel. After a short while Apple, Hau, VincentLai (hopefully i spell his name correctly) and Cheewai came down. Then i only knew that actually Apple and David were actually school mate, Apple is his senior.
We had some beer and had some talk, then they went back motel again to play cards. Me, David, Junhern and 23 (he came a short while after Zonlee left) continued our men talk downstairs. After that David asked me to go up find them together. Ya, I am fine as long as he managed to get me up. There was no people at all when we reached upstairs. All were stayed in room, some were slept. David walked straight into Apple room, and i thought she was sleeping alone inside. Then few guys came out from next door and asked David dont disturb her rest. LOL, i wonder what he would do if those guys were not came out. I expect that i would need to wait him 1 hour outside :p
We had a short talk with the guys who still awake. After that we went down and continued our men talk. Thats concluded my Part 2 of this gathering.
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