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Friday, October 27, 2006

Key - 钥匙

一把坚实的大锁挂在大门上,一根铁杆费了九牛二虎之力,还是无法将它撬开。钥匙来了,他瘦小的身子钻进锁孔,只轻轻一转,大锁就“啪”地一声打开了。 铁杆奇怪地问:“为什麽我费了那麽大力气也打不开,而你却轻而易举地就把它打开了呢?” 钥匙说:“因为我最了解他的心。”


A big lock hang on a door. A big steel rod tried its best to knock the lock out but it failed to open the door. Then come a small, tiny key. The key insert itself into into the lock and turn itself gently, the lock opened in no time. The steel rod felt puzzled and asked the key "How do you do that as i failed no matter how much energy i put on the lock?" The key answered "because i understand its heart"

(Everyone's heart is like a door with big lock, you can never open it with force. Only with care, you can turn yourself become a small, tiny key, that able to go into his/her heart, and understand him/her)

Even though my experience told me that not every heart lock can be open with care and love, but i think there is no other better way right? or do you have one? Please kindly let me know if you have :) thanks

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