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Monday, November 27, 2006
Sigh... troublesome accident
I got a letter friday saying that insurance company is waiting for my notification before they can proceed with the claiming process for the victim. The letter also saying that they will not approve the claim if i fail to provide them the documents requested in letter by 29 Nov, in other words, i have to pay the Mercedes!!! .. crap
I called KC, my friend, the culprit of everything, to go police station to get the police report, as requested in the letter. At the mean time, i called KB, my friend who working as insurance agent, for the details. Finally i find out that actually is my car insurance agent's fault, he never mentioned to me that i have to notify insurance company about the accident within 14 days after making police report. This suppose to be his responbility right? And i called him to tell him about the letter, then he only tell me that he got the letter carbon copy days before, what the heck, how can he never call me up for this since he got the letter much earlier than i was?
I was furious but i didnt scold him. He try to calm me down by saying that everything will be fine but he seem dont know what really need to do. He suppose go the insurance branch to fight for me and try to delay the due date for documents submission, but he asked me to call the insurance branch myself to make the request myself. What a good service.
I fade up and make the worst assumption that insurance company will reject the claim. I told my friend that with no choice i have to charge the claim on him, even though i know that he dont really have much money now. A mercedes, a slight scratch is able to claim for 1-2k already... sigh.....
until today KC couldnt get the police report yet. I fax a letter to the insurance branch to request for postpone the due date. Hopefully everything will be fine. I really short of money already.... sigh....
My another weekend
Anyway, not much time left for us, its around 11 more days to the date of gathering, but seem everything is still in a mess. Bus ticket, hotel room, even few members are not sure their attendants yet. Anyway, hopefully eveything will be fine and wish my first trip to KL will have a good memory.
After the discussion, we went to Penang Plaza to take supper and chit chat. Well, I eventually have chance to talk more with them since i knew them 2 months ago. Its quite good to have more friends i think. I reached home around 3am.
The next day i woke up around 9am. It was suck that i couldnt really sleep well all night. I felt so tired and wanted to sleep somemore but i couldnt. I maintained this condition whole morning. At noon, i took some bread then went out for Gurney Plaza. I met zonlee again at Gurney Plaza like last weekend, then went straight to Redbox after parked my car. We late half an hour, Kingfisher, panda, adeline, and Chamelleon were already singing in there.
Well, i was still tired. Every song i sang sound like energyless (bo lat in Hookkian) ..haha..... So i didnt sing much. After 3 hours of fun we went back around 5pm.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
I am waiting my turn
By the way, I felt a little bit frustrated as well. When i can meet my girl? a girl that know how to appreciate me with not only saying that "You are a great guy, but i dont have feel on you". Hopefully the girl will not only appears after 1000 years, which I dont know where am I that time..... hmmm... i am still waiting....waiting my turn....
Monday, November 20, 2006
Penang Cari Love Forum gathering - Third one i think (18th November 2006)

This was the most messy love gathering since i started to join them from the first one. Why? because there were too many people. There were noone there when me and Zonlee reached coffee bean in Gurney Plaza after our Part 1 of Dark Forum gathering. In one hour time, the amount of participants shot up to 40+ people. Half of the coffee bean was occupied by us.
I was one of the hardcore members who attended every single gathering beside Chameleon, Egg, 浮罗仔, Cindy Ong, Kingfisher and of course our great organizer Adeline and her sister CutiePanda. I didnt really talk much with them as usual == .... well, i am low profile :p keekeeke...

Anyway, this gathering was full of handsome guys and pretty girls (common standard). However, the one really atracted me was not the member. The girl name Tina is tcgien's friend who he coincidently met there. I only manage to say hi to her but didnt talk much ... haha .... Anyway, the whole gathering was a bit messy as members scattering around and communicate in small groups. But i think those who really dare and active mange to get know most of the people there, of course especially those pretty girls, LOL.
Me and Zonlee left when David called me to go Seawind for Part 2 of Dark Forum gathering :)

My Dark Forum Penang Gathering (18th November 2006)
I reached Gurney Plaza to meet Zonlee around 3pm and went for parking place together. According to the plan, the Dark Forum members were in cinema that time. So i throwed a sms to the organizer, Apple, to contact me after the movie finished. During the time me and Zonlee decided to go for some food first.
After food, chat and everything, we found that we sat there more than 1.5 hour, then we decided to walk around. Finally Apple called me when we dropped by Popular book store. When we walked to the entrance of book store, we saw quite number of people there (around 20 of them) but i didnt see Apple (saw her picture in the forum). So i not really sure whether those people were the members, somemore they were scattering around and didnt look like a group. i called Apple again to confirm and and ensured they are the people i am looking for, and Apple herself was entered the book store to buy something, thats why i didnt see her there.
After a brief introduction they planned to go for food at Gurney drive. Well, thats not really convenient to me as the distance is not near. So me and Zonlee decided not to follow them. Ya, the time time was still early, another 2 hours to my next gathering - Cari Penang Love Forum gathering (they now seem like gather once a month (-.-") ... kekekeke...
A while later Apple and the gang came back because outside started to rain ==. So we decided to join them for tea at foodcourt. I talked with only few of them. Around 7pm they left for steamboat. But we need to join love gathering, so didnt follow them. Thats concluded the Dark Forum Gatheringg Part 1.... kekekeke

Wahaha ... here come Part 2 :p
After we left the Love gathering we went straight to Seawind motel beach. David and Junhern were there waiting for us. Surprisingly got knew that all the Dark Forum guyz were living inside the motel. After a short while Apple, Hau, VincentLai (hopefully i spell his name correctly) and Cheewai came down. Then i only knew that actually Apple and David were actually school mate, Apple is his senior.
We had some beer and had some talk, then they went back motel again to play cards. Me, David, Junhern and 23 (he came a short while after Zonlee left) continued our men talk downstairs. After that David asked me to go up find them together. Ya, I am fine as long as he managed to get me up. There was no people at all when we reached upstairs. All were stayed in room, some were slept. David walked straight into Apple room, and i thought she was sleeping alone inside. Then few guys came out from next door and asked David dont disturb her rest. LOL, i wonder what he would do if those guys were not came out. I expect that i would need to wait him 1 hour outside :p
We had a short talk with the guys who still awake. After that we went down and continued our men talk. Thats concluded my Part 2 of this gathering.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Fell down again - Celaka betul
The lucky part was i landed nicely this time, no injury and no pain. The unlucky part was nobody in home. Oh gosh... i had to get up myself... As i never fell down for past 2 years, it became so clumsy for me to get myself up. Firstly i tried with holding toilet bowl which was beside me. But i just couldnt make it. Then i crawled into kitchen to get my trolly and tried to get up with it. I failed also because my knees were too painful when i kneel on floor. I cant get up with kneel on floor first. And i found myself was almost on the limit. I started to become so tired. My hands and legs were a bit not listening to my order already.
I gave up my trolly, lied on the floor to take some rest. After a short while i decided to try with my bed. Then i crawled into my bedroom from kitchen through my toilet. By the the time i reached my bed, i started to feel my waist was so pain. I took 10 minutes rest again before i continued my struggle. Eventually i managed to climb up my bed. Phew~~ if not i might to lie on floor until my housemate shows up. By the time i got up, i was already late 1 hour to work. With no choice i had to get a half day leave again.. ==
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
10th November 2006, my bad day.
Zhuan called for a gathering in Juru, around 8pm. However, i crossed the Penang Bridge around 5pm to avoid terrible jam at evening later. Since the time is still early, i went to Jawi to meet David and Zhuan first before head to Huisy house to fetch her. At Jawi, I had Ba Kut Teh as early dinner with David, Zhuan and Hans. It was started to rain before we get out from the shop. Around 6.30pm me and Zhuan went to Huisy house in Bt. Tambun to fetch her. Her house is quite big. After Zhuan taken his bath then we departed to Juru.
On the way to Juru, the rain getting heavy. We waited at McDonald car park for Apple. Around 8pm, Apple came and we decided to had our dinner at Secret Recipe next to McDonald. I left my car in the car park and walked to Scret Recipe. Apple hold umbrella for me and Huisy ran herself fast towards the cafe in heavy rain, cool lady.
After some time we settle down at Secret Recipe, Zonlee, Cat, Kee and Dragon came sequently. We eat chat and drink there until around 11pm, while waiting the always late David and Junhern. Dragon left the earliest. A short while after David and Junhern reached, Kee, Cat, Zonlee, and Huisy wanted to go back as they needed to work the next day. Then we the all 5 guys left there decided to buy some beers and drink near Butterworth beach side.
I was thinking to go toilet before get my car. However, I was so careless to see a step that so near to the table we sat just now. I think that was because the floor is all same in color meanwhile the area was a bit dark therefore i couldnt see the step. By the time Apple warn to be careful I was falling down to the floor already. I felt that i was okay as i didnt feel any pain on my body and limbs. However, when they help me up I saw there was a big pool of blood on the floor. By the time only see that blood dropped from around my mouth. I thought that i crashed my teeth but thats was not. After they check out my face only saw that there was a hole on my chin. Sucks man.....
Immediately they sent me to hospital. I had 3 stitches there. For the past few days I was not able to chew hard thing. It was even worse on saturday as I couldnt really speak and drink properly. The ridiculous part was I spent 5 hours to finish one bowl of porridge that day.... grrrrr.....
Now my wound is getting better and the thread suppose to be removed on this coming friday.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Relationship - a 2 ways communication
01) 我告诉你的弱点, 你说你不了解你.
i told you about your weaknesses, you said that i am not understanding you
02) 我告诉你的问题, 你说是我引成的.
i told you about yor problem, you said that that i am the one who caused it
03) 我不挖苦因为我不想记得一些不快乐事情, 你觉得我是逃避问题.
i did not critic because i dont want to recall some unhappy business, but you said that i am escaping problem
04) 你说你说过就算了, 可是你都一直都那么介意.
you said that you always not take into heart what you said, but you actually taking them so hard
05) 我不高兴的反应, 你说我给你一种压力.
i not happy, you said that i am giving you pressure
06) 你不高兴的反应, 因为你说是你的性格.
you not happy, you said thats your personality
Well, of course thats only one side words, I need to know what happened from the girl's perspective as well, before i make any judgement. Anyway, if what he mentioned there is true, then we can see here, communication will never success with one way message transmission. Relationship is a two ways communication. We can never hope that someone in this world can understand us perfectly. Yup, you may feel guy A is understand you more than girl B, but i ensure you, if another matter happens, you might find out girl B is more tolerating you than guy A.
I always think that, a good communication build good relationship. However, it seem that most people now-a-days are more concerning on their own feel than how others feel. if noticed carefully, its not hard to find person which described in (05) and (06) above : I can be not happy, but you cannot. Well, dont blame on others not understanding you if you never try to understand them. This make yourself look so naive and unreasonable.
也许,现代人越来越不懂得表达感激。“谢谢”两个字,似乎是那么的不珍贵,可能甚至比花花公子口里的“我爱你”更加卑贱。 又有多少人,是打从心里,把这两个字说出口的呢?
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
My most recent photoes

Thursday, November 02, 2006
我终于了解。。。 - I've learned
I've learned -
that you cannot make someone love you;
All you can do is be a person who can be loved,
the rest, is out of your control.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that no matter how much I care I gave,
some people would just dont care.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that it takes years to build up trust;
but only seconds to destroy it.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that it's not what thing you have in your life counts;
but who you have in your life.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that you can only use your charm for about 15 minutes;
After that, you'd better know something.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that you shouldn't compare to the best others can do;
but compare to the best you can do.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that you can do something in an instant
and make yourself regret for life.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that it's not what happens to others matter;
but how they react to it.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that no matter how thin you slice it,
there are always 2 sides.
我终于了解 -
I've learned -
that it's taking me a very very long time,
to become the person I want to be.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Harddisk crashed
Luckily he told me the old heart was able to function for a moment with external tool. I was just hoped that i was able to retrieve all my data. After he finished put in both the new and old heart into my laptop, we tried to browse through what were still available. Unfortunately he told me that most part of the old heart was spoilt, sobs sobs....... only 40% of data were available ... and half of them are not really important to me ...... most of my important data were gone in the wind ~~~ .. sigh....
After i discharged my laptop from hospital, i found that its just rather like a new laptop, with nothing inside... I tried to ask around if anyone still keeping the documents and emails that i needed. Surprisingly my department spice girl (who now is stationed in US), keeping half of the emails i needed... oh.. she is my saviour ..... haha......
Anyway, I still lost some important data... hopefully this wont affect my work significantly.