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Thursday, December 25, 2008
2008 槟城区年度网聚 (29/11/2008)


下午4点,我还在新郎家拍照的时候,咖啡蓝就已经到我家了。他来帮忙作最后的打扫布置。拍完照后赶紧赶回家,冲凉,然后继续回复大家的信息和电话。Kingfisher打来说大桥塞车很严重,让带路的看能不能用ferry。让人担心大家会不会都迟到。5点多,门口突然出现了一个人探头偷窥。经过询问之后,原来是imperfect。他说他先经过,把西瓜拿来,然后又要再回去做一点东西。不清楚他是怎么找到我家的,因为我家是在花园的最里面而且是死角,要经过是有点难度的说。他走的时候我拜托他到OCBC 帮忙带网友们进来。6点多,Part_time坏人,colourpig, fernfern,打电话来问路。由于他们误入歧途,整个过程好像好像超级无敌将门人,双方在电话里嘶喊,很刺激的说。。还好最后终于把他们引入正途。接近7点,kingfisher, lovely5837 到达。quantum^_^ 也已经在北海集合地点成功出发。这是突然接到jocs不能出席的消息,心脏不好的我有点晕晕的感觉。因为他赞助的50个curry puff没有来了。食物不知道够不够吃了。
7点多,kingfisher, lovely5837, 咖啡蓝出发往QB带路。这个屋子突然很静,只传来Part_time坏人,colourpig, fernfern 吹水的笑声。我一个人站在屋外,抱着一盘炒饭,冷风阵阵吹来,不禁有几分沧桑的感觉。7点半,桃枝11打电话来了。一直以为他是女生,当电话传来他声音的时候,有一种晴天霹雳的感觉,沧桑感顿时爆增500倍。顺利把他引到我家之后,交流了一下。大家都是新山来的外劳,谈起这里的生活,思乡情绪猛然涌起,沧桑感再增50倍。这时OCBC 集合的网友们打电话来。看来他们没有认出imperfect,所以就拜托桃枝出马去带他们进来。他刚走不久,北海人马杀到。场面开始热闹起来。接着OCBC 和QB的网友们也到达了。点名,收钱,接电话带路,顿时很忙。人数越来越多,有一种失控的感觉。大家开始交流,吃东西。熟食很快的在半小时里被横扫一空。需要烧烤的食物似乎不是很受落,反而剩下不少。最奇怪的是有3个人说要赞助香肠,结果都没来。第一次参加没有香肠的烧烤会。


Events 活动
Merry Christmas

上个星期住院,想要跟保险公司申请住院赔偿金,可是我的经纪说要先把病假单拿给医生签名。于是昨天下午3点多就想偷偷溜出公司。没想到在我偷偷走出来的时候,后面一群同事大大声跟我说"Merry xmas and happy new year, BYE BYE!!!" ...... 冷汗直接飙出来。。。
出来之后就去医院,弄好了病假单,就拿去寄给我的经纪。之后看看4点多,就打电话问我朋友要不要出来了。想不到他跟我说票还没有订到,两个小时一直“server is busy, please try again later" 。。。 晕掉,直接更他说马上去载他然后到戏院买票。在他家外面等的时候有一架kancil的美女一直跟我招手笑,我也傻傻的和她招手笑,然后她就走掉了。纳闷,应该不可能有美女跟我笑的,应该是认识的才对,可是又想不起是谁。后来LL和PC上车,才知道那个美女原来是SH,哈哈。
PC的男朋友也到了,她就这样抛下我们走了。我和LL两个人走走逛逛,然后就到Kim Gary 去吃东西。点了圣诞套餐和美式套餐,吃到我们肚子滚滚。两个人聊天聊了1个半小时,也申请了会员卡。之后没事做就跑去看圣诞装饰。好多美女在圣诞树前拍照。发现自己越来越好色了。以前向来都懒惰看女孩子的,最近则一直看个不停。可怜下。
Diary 记事
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Feel 心情
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Admitted to hospital
12 December morning 00:40am i was admitted into Pantai Mutiara Hospital due to fever. I was having diarhea on the day morning since woke up. After breakfast, i was having second round of diarhea. Third round came after lunch. After i finished training on 5pm, i felt very tired and went home. i actually didnt rest well for 3 weeks with a lot of work and activities.
i ate 2 panadols and slept once i reach home. When i woke up at 11pm, i felt that i was having high fever and stomach pain again. I went to toilet and had my forth round of diarhea in day. After that i called cj and asked him to send me into hospital.
After examination, doctor asked whether i want to pay or claim insurance. I have to admit into hospital if i want to claim all the expenses. I agreed to admit as i thought i could discharge the next day. Unexpectively doctor withdrawn my blood for test. The next day, my fever was gone in the morning. But unfortunately the fever come back again before noon. Doctor then ordered me to stay.
By this i stayed here for 2 days again. It is a bit boring here. Luckily there are a lot of friends came visited me. Thanks a lot to cj too for his help. Feel really sad as he is leaving Penang to go back Sarawak next 2 yrs. Hopefully my fever will not come again and i can discharge tomorrow.
i ate 2 panadols and slept once i reach home. When i woke up at 11pm, i felt that i was having high fever and stomach pain again. I went to toilet and had my forth round of diarhea in day. After that i called cj and asked him to send me into hospital.
After examination, doctor asked whether i want to pay or claim insurance. I have to admit into hospital if i want to claim all the expenses. I agreed to admit as i thought i could discharge the next day. Unexpectively doctor withdrawn my blood for test. The next day, my fever was gone in the morning. But unfortunately the fever come back again before noon. Doctor then ordered me to stay.
By this i stayed here for 2 days again. It is a bit boring here. Luckily there are a lot of friends came visited me. Thanks a lot to cj too for his help. Feel really sad as he is leaving Penang to go back Sarawak next 2 yrs. Hopefully my fever will not come again and i can discharge tomorrow.
Diary 记事
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Why blogging?
i have read quite number of my friends' blog recently and i found most of them are so talented in writing. I feel their blogs are well organize and always funny to read. But when i load again my blog on screen, it looks so boring. hmmm.... isn't it?
i hate writing actually, even though i got few prizes in composition competitions. I never thought that i would create a blog like this and surprisingly, it is already 2.5 years old. Even though i know it is not attractive, but i will still keep it alive. i think here has become a place that i can really pour out my actual feeling, ideas and emotion.
life is sucks, or if we prefer the positive side, life is challenging. i hope this blog may printed out my footprint throughout the rest of my life.
i hate writing actually, even though i got few prizes in composition competitions. I never thought that i would create a blog like this and surprisingly, it is already 2.5 years old. Even though i know it is not attractive, but i will still keep it alive. i think here has become a place that i can really pour out my actual feeling, ideas and emotion.
life is sucks, or if we prefer the positive side, life is challenging. i hope this blog may printed out my footprint throughout the rest of my life.
Feel 心情
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