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Monday, October 30, 2006
Back to Penang
I enjoyed so much for my holidays. It was the first time i went back my home in Johor Bahru after 7 months. Very happy to see everyone is in healthy and good condition. I didnt really went any place during the days. Lets summarize what i had done :
1. I went to my junior's friend (Tiong) home, for his house warming party, and his birthday celebration as well. His home is quite big and look comfortable. Tiong seem saw me before in UTM, and surprizingly he was same batch with me. After that we went to nasi kandar shop to meet my secondary school classmates in Taman Tun Aminah. I made a mistake with wrongly recognized his new gf as his ex.... well, i wonder what will happen to him after he go back home :p
2. I went to UTM to meet my ex-supervisor and his student, which now is under my supervision for her master research. Well, she seem did a lot of work for the past 8 months and obtained encouraging results. So envy her as she seem learnt a lot of thing throughout the period. I wasted too much of time during my time. After the meeting my junior fetched me to her house then to Jaya Jusco (in Skudai) to meet TS and then PL. This is the first time i meet PL (get know her officially) after so many years of hearing her name (i not really recognized her during secondary school time, as my junior). I agreed with my Junior that PL is getting mature and attractive. Well, on the other hand TS seem become more thoughtful than before. He has his very strong and solid view on his life, even though some of them i feel is not really realistics. Anyway, its good to have such view, good for him to strengthen his faith.
3. I cut my long hair that i kept for 7 months. Well, seem my long hair not really appreciated among my friends and their comments were "old fashion style". I dyed my hair with light brown color with super short hair cut. I got very good response from my colleagues today with my spiky standing brownish hairs in office. Cool.... look a bit like hip hop fella now... hehe
4. I finished 20 CDs long taiwan idolic drama in 4 days... what a lame record.... The story is about the love journey between a couple that their single parent going to marry as well (in simple word, the girl's mother going to marry the guy's father, then they will become siblings-in-law). The guy is cool, until he has a nickname as 'devil'. I think most of the girls now like this kind of guy huh.... cool, stylish, do everything in own way that clash with most people's expectation, while having a warm, kind and helpful heart. Ya, thats not me, for sure.... even though i try to be bad sometime... kekekeke
5. LT called me, had some talk.
6. I cant stand my nephew. He is super naughty, hyper-active, like a monkey. He bites me with no reasons, run everywhere while crying for my dad (his grandpa), very busybody (he wants to touch everything that you going to touch)...... the worst is he speak dirty words..... feel wanted to kick him. .. in contrast, my niece is very good girl and quiet, i like her very much.
7. My cousin married, but his wedding dinner clash with my flight back to Penang yesterday. Therefore i didnt go to his dinner. Well, no choice, he declared his date too late, i had booked my place.
I think thats all I had....
8. Oh ya... forgot to mention that i changed my spectacles as well...hehehhe
Friday, October 27, 2006
Key - 钥匙
A big lock hang on a door. A big steel rod tried its best to knock the lock out but it failed to open the door. Then come a small, tiny key. The key insert itself into into the lock and turn itself gently, the lock opened in no time. The steel rod felt puzzled and asked the key "How do you do that as i failed no matter how much energy i put on the lock?" The key answered "because i understand its heart"
(Everyone's heart is like a door with big lock, you can never open it with force. Only with care, you can turn yourself become a small, tiny key, that able to go into his/her heart, and understand him/her)
Even though my experience told me that not every heart lock can be open with care and love, but i think there is no other better way right? or do you have one? Please kindly let me know if you have :) thanks
Friday, October 20, 2006
Long holidays
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Penang 2nd Love Forum gathering

Hehe... actually this event was held on last last saturday which was 7th October but I was so tight to give a blog on it. The gathering again was organized by Adeline and quite number of people attended first gathering were there. Many new people were attended as well, LOL, with more girls this time.
The event was quite succeed as everything went fine and everyone had chance to play games together can chat to each other. Anyway, I was very low profile as usual and therefore not really knew many new people there.
The night was Adeline's birthday as well. Me, Chameleon, Eggs, Panda (Adeline's younger sister), and XiaMi were shared to buy her a big birthday cake and present. The atmosphere was quite nice until Adeline almost teared when we sang the birthday song for her. Chameleon even made a lot of 'red eggs' for her. This was the only time i knew people actually used the distributed red eggs to knock birthday girl's head as action to give good luck to her, LOL, interesting. Poor Adeline was been chased with red eggs for whole night.
Anyway, situation was became so tricky after she made her birthday wishes and wanted to take off the candles from cake with mouth, as you know, everyone was wanted to push her face on cake at the moment. She spent almost 10 minutes to prepared herself for the action, with even all the girls surrounded her to prevent guys got near to her. Eventually she abled to remove those candles 'safely'. Of course she need to cut and distribute cakes to everyone. Syanboy surprisingly throw his share of cake on Adeline's face right after he accepted it from her. Everyone was laugh and started to 'blame' Syanboy for the action, LOL, a lesson to her, always be prepared even in the situation you think is safe.
We fooled around until midnight and finally stop our gathering as the cafe shutting down. The night was quite nice and memorable. Looking forward for more events, hehe.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Food poisoning?
At midnight Raj and Andrian found out i was sick then they decided to bring me for doctor. We drove for around 40 minutes but most of the clinics were closed. The doctor eventually we found actually knows me and Andrian as he came for the Kumar BBQ last year in our home. Anyway, he is so relax and not really look like a doctor. He gave me a jab and 1 day MC.
Now i am still uncomfortable.. hopefully tomorrow i am ok and able to go for office.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Why say sorry...
Saturday night Irene asked us why a guy would turn down a girl's confession (what happened to her best friend), since her friend is very pretty and nice. Well, if i know the answer, i think i wont be so miserable now. You might be able to give 1000 reasons, but doesnt mean you are able to get an answer from them. There is no answer i think, you are just cant accept him/her at that moment, no matter you like him/her or not. Ya, hurt, is the only outcome; but no sorry please.... No matter what, you have to take it, no matter how pain it is.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Visit to Old Folks House

Sunday I went to Penang Home (a old folks house) with Forum friends. This event was planned and organized by us which i mentioned in my previous post. As saturday night I was slept quite late, it became so difficult for me to wake up :( I blurly clean myself and I only found that i forgot to bring my breads after wnet into my car :( hungry ah ......
When i reached yusin home, she managed to sense my car and carried a radio came out before i miss call her. She looked so busy and told me to wait her a while as she need to put on her jeans. She came out very fast as she worrried that she would be late. Hehe.... this was the first time i see her never wear nicely but only t-shirt and jeans. After came in car she asked me was she looked ugly =.= ....
Anyway, I would like to compliment her here as she woke up at 3am to prepare the sandwiches alone. I had nothing to say but salute her attitude. Kudos.

We still late at the end, LOL... But luckily yusin is cute enough so nobody was blaming her. Everything went on quite fine. We sang, dance, fed the senior citizens with sandwiches, played balls with them, fed them lunch and so on. Eventhough the situation was a bit lost control as many members were shy to take initiative to interact with the senior citizens there. However, I could feel that they were very happy to see us. Before we left Cooler as our representative distribute angpow (red pocket) to every of them. The rest of the money was donated to old folks house for daily operation expence.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
My saturday and Tanglung Festival
She went to BJC to pay downpayment for her new car, a Perodua Kelisa. Well, her dream car is actually BMW but due to financial constraint she had to "bear" with the small Kelisa. After that we went to Gurney Plaza. The reason we went there was because she likes to read book in book store such as Popular. Nothing much to describe here as we stayed there the whole day for reading.
At evening we had to rush back Bayan Baru to meet our friends for dinner and then to join a tanglung fest at PISA (Penang International Sport Arena). However, we lost in town as YS pointed me a wrong road and we went into KOMTAR (Kompleks Tunku Abdul Rahman) area which is full with confusing road signs. We spent 20 minutes time to find the way out and we definitely would late. Therefore we called our friends not to go the place so early. As we reached the place for dinner, they were not yet there, even after we finished our food. As our friends brought his friends as well, we decided to go PISA sepearately.
At PISA, the assistants there seem not really know the exactly route to the location of event. After few misleading instructions I had walked almost half of the sport arena before i reached the spot, damn tired!!! The worse part was rain started to pour down and YS had to carry umbrella to cover both of us. Felt a bit pity on her la as she is actually weak but had to carry such a big and heavy umbrella, until she had to exchange her hand to carry it every couple of miles.
At the event spot we saw the biggest ice-carved tanglung (Lantern) in Malaysia. It was been recorded into Malaysia Guiness Record. Anyway, i didnt really feel the tanglung was attractive in any angle. At night they started the performances. Quite number of programmes were presented such as chinese orchestra, dances, live bands, magic show, sing, and mask changing. The programmes that surprised me were the mask changing and magic show. They were actually presented by same girl which is only 18 years old. However, her skills are superb and definitely she still have a lot of potential in this area. Most importantly she is pretty and sexy, kekekeke.....
The whole programme was finished around 10.30pm and the area rain again. This time the rain was heavier compared to the evening one. I walked with YS again towards my car which was parked pretty far away, while she had to carry the big umbrella again. Pity girl, hehehe...