(男)一天一天贴近你的心 你开心 我关心
(女)一点一滴我都能感应 你是我 最美的相信
(男)等不到 双子座 流星雨 洒满天际
(女)先点燃 九支仙女棒 代替
(男)最灿烂 不一定 要许多 钻石黄金
(合)看你眼睛 有幸福的倒影
(女)把你的讨厌 宅急便 送到天边
(男)平凡的傻事 用了心 变成经典
(合)存满满的心愿 便利贴 贴成无限 就是我们 最富有的宣言
(男)把你的喜欢 每一天 复习两遍
(女)惊喜的预言 我的天 通通应验
(合)你和我的心愿 便利贴 贴心里面 收集感动 给以后怀念
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

I got my passport eventually today. I went to Jabatan Migresen yesterday but all numbers were taken. Therefore i had to go again today to get my passport done. The building is sucks with no lift. I climbed 3 floors to reach the stupid office. After submitted my forms, we found that there is no toilet on 3rd floor ! I had to climb down to 2nd floor to reach toilet and then climbed back to 3rd floor to get my passport one hour later! The only good thing i know about there is, i no need to pay RM300 for my passport, its free to me, wahaha....
Diary 记事
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Diary 记事
Chinese New Year 2009

26th January 2009 was the first day of Chinese Lunar New Year. For Chinese, this is the most important day throughout a year. I came back JB on 21st January and will stay until 2nd February. Well, nothing much i could say about my new year as i am too old and it has become a festival that i could reunion with my family. We had steamboat as usual on new year eve, visited my uncle house on 1st day of new year, visited grandmother and auntie home on 2nd day of new year. I spent a lot of time watching taiwan idolize drama. i think nothing special would happen in the next few days too. Anyway, i hope that this new coming cow year will be a good year for me. Good luck.
Diary 记事
Monday, January 19, 2009
Small Things Challenge
Well, i didnt do much charity last year, mainly due to economy downturn and some investments that drained out most of my cash. However, Intel had set up a website that allowed me to do charity FOC, hehe. Even though there are not many people visiting this blog, but i still hoping that you may try to help those unlucky groups in case you read this passage.
Intel had set up a page call "Small Things Challenge" http://www.smallthingschallenge.com/

At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day, while 75 million children worldwide are not in school. By pooling surprisingly small investments, we can help to significantly improve educational access and economic development. It’s called The Small Things Challenge, and it’s a campaign based on the premise that every small action can make a big difference to ensure quality education and economic opportunity for all. We challenge you to join us in becoming a part of the solution. Your help will make a difference.
After loaded the page, what you need to do is just click on the link as shown below

If you really extra cash that you want to donate, click on another link as shown below

Let get move now and help those in need :)
Others 其他
Sunday, January 18, 2009
我在右边的sidebar加入了一些自动更新的gadgets,提供一些有趣的资讯。我也更换了自述,以及部落格的标题。整体上应该不会再让人觉得很单调吧。至于内容嘛,我会继续这样的懒散写作风格,哈哈。。。 虽然我知道读我写的东西很闷,但至少这里记载了我心里的话。在我还没成功把自己转变成活泼开朗的阳光少男之前,你们就先忍着吧。。。呵呵
我在右边的sidebar加入了一些自动更新的gadgets,提供一些有趣的资讯。我也更换了自述,以及部落格的标题。整体上应该不会再让人觉得很单调吧。至于内容嘛,我会继续这样的懒散写作风格,哈哈。。。 虽然我知道读我写的东西很闷,但至少这里记载了我心里的话。在我还没成功把自己转变成活泼开朗的阳光少男之前,你们就先忍着吧。。。呵呵
Diary 记事
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
今天心情不好,原因我不想提了。刚才洗澡的时候有点想哭,但还是一样哭不出来,不知道泪腺是不是有问题。之前的主题有提过一首阿牛的歌,歌名叫做“哭”,依然很喜欢那一句“最苦是泪水在哽在心头 流不出,就像要爱 却不懂得怎么去爱”。什么时候我才能好好的哭一场呢?
在Queensbay足足逛了两天,走得我腿都有点失去知觉了。看了3部电影,两部找到人陪,一部是自己一个人看的。也许,我必须改变我自己,让自己变成一个脸皮很厚很厚的人,嘴巴不停的说着似是而非的东西,做着自己开心就好的事,活在当下,这样的人生才会少掉很多的不快乐。做着不是自己的自己,有人会说很假,有人会说这是改变,but who cares??? 人们只是要看到自己喜欢看到的东西,又有谁会有空去欣赏一颗石头背后隐藏着的坚强,不屈不挠呢?
在Queensbay足足逛了两天,走得我腿都有点失去知觉了。看了3部电影,两部找到人陪,一部是自己一个人看的。也许,我必须改变我自己,让自己变成一个脸皮很厚很厚的人,嘴巴不停的说着似是而非的东西,做着自己开心就好的事,活在当下,这样的人生才会少掉很多的不快乐。做着不是自己的自己,有人会说很假,有人会说这是改变,but who cares??? 人们只是要看到自己喜欢看到的东西,又有谁会有空去欣赏一颗石头背后隐藏着的坚强,不屈不挠呢?
Feel 心情
Saturday, January 10, 2009
28 Years Old - wish myself a happy birthday

This week was fully booked by friends lunch and dinner meetings, thats why i couldnt update here right on my birthday.
7th night was went out to have dinner with david, junhern, JH, HF, HT and SF. We went to Kulim to fetch HT as HF was not free to get her. Junhern GPS seem couldnot track down the exact coordinate accurately, therefore bring us to 'holland' just from the road in front of her house. We made a lot of turns there and eventually called her helplessly to ask for her home direction. We then went Tao after dinner. David starts to fool and flirt around with a waitress there. He said the girl looks good to work in his shop. But we all went shock when she told us she is just 17 years old. LOL. We stay there until 1am and then went back.
On the birthday lunch, i went egate with David and Junhern. David had a meeting there and so me and Junhern had our lunch first. Junhern then left early as he had a meeting on 1pm and i waited for David alone. After 20 mins Junhern called me up said that he took my car keys :s crap. I had to ask David to fetch me back to office after that and left my car there with no choise. Luckily the car park fee is not that expensive.
On the night, i dated steven and kelly for dinner. The objective of this dinner was actually match making for them ... hehe... yeah, how kind am i, blek... we went new world park mizi bistro for dinner. then steven fetch her back to balik pulau. both of them seem having good impression on each other. haha, hopefully i can get my angpow soon.
Yesterday i had lunch with Kenny in pizza hut. he told me some of his private life and sound interesting. hehe. really, some guys are really good in tackling girls.
As a 28 years old guy, i want to focus on making money. As what i discussed with Junhern on the night, we felt harder to chase girls with age growed. We still recalled how bold and crazy we were during our young time when we see the girls interested. Now, both of us became conservative, maybe we had reached the age where we had lost our expectation on relationship. Anyway, anything can be changed. We might be able to become bold again when we meet the right one.
Hey yea, 28 years old guy, work hard for your life, work cheers for your life :)
Diary 记事
Sunday, January 04, 2009
朋友也曾经说过我应该更有耐性,说话放慢速度,凡是slow down,这样,我才能够更加事半功倍,处理很多事情,促进人际关系。工作,待人,投资更是需要耐心。
朋友也曾经说过我应该更有耐性,说话放慢速度,凡是slow down,这样,我才能够更加事半功倍,处理很多事情,促进人际关系。工作,待人,投资更是需要耐心。
Feel 心情
Saturday, January 03, 2009
2009 :)

A year passed in no time, will 2009 marks the beginning of a new era? The economy crisis from US had shaked the whole world in 2008, made it one of the worst economic performance year in history. 2009 will be the year we seeing all the subsequent effects of crisis. Well, i am still hoping 2009 can be a good year for all.
30th Dec i went to Amp Square karaok with KF, Sherlyn and gang. We taken the 5 ppl wine package which allowed to sing for 9 hours from 6pm - 3am. we all expected that we couldnt make it for 9 hours but fact proved that we were all wrong. Everyone seem still able to continue at 3am. Amazing huh. I would this was the best singing experience of mine.
31st Dec i went to my neighbour's house for a small gathering. Well, it was a bit bored at the beginning as i did not know anyone there except my neighbour. After the meal i moved to another table and surprisingly found that few of them actually saw me before. We then start to chit chat and play games, it was really fun. We count down together at 12am and continued the game. i returned around 2am as i had to wake up early the next morning.
1st Jan, i visited Pulau Pangkor together with david and Junhern. we reached there around 12pm. There are several beaches and we selected the one near to GuanYin temple. i sit on the beach watched for their stuff and they went for canoe. I found that most visitors there are malays, then foreigners mostly from europe i think. Not really many chinese there. we changed 2 beaches after that. Junhern seem like beach a lot, swim and dive the whole day. We back around 7pm and reach penang at 11pm.
I set few targets this year. firstly, exploring new income source. the main direction will be stock market, or investment on tuition center. secondly is bringing my parent to east malaysia for travel, targetting sabah. thirdly is continue to expand my network by knowing more friends from different fields. lastly, keep my financial position balance towards the 30-years plan set. The plan was progressed too slow for past 3 years, mainly due to LT and bad investment. Hopefully 2009 i can catch it up a bit.
Happy new year to everyone.
Diary 记事
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