Last night a friend sent me many of her cooking pictures for me to see, haha... All the food she prepared look so nice and delicious, made me so hungry during midnight, blek ... whoever able to marry her definitely can live happily with all kind of delicious food, wahaha...
Well, from her products, i guess she cook quite frequently. Not many girls among my friends do that. Girls nowadays are busy with works, studies, shopping, TV, even sleep, but no much time for kitchen. Almost 30-40% of my female friends cant really cook except maggie mee and fried eggs, and i have quite number of male friends who can cook quite well. In fact thats would be great if both guys and women can cook, or at least one cooking and the other one willing to help in kitchen. The foods outside are always nutrition imbalance and not healthy. Furthermore, work together in kitchen together, isn't that sweet?? kekeke...
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