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Monday, July 30, 2007
I caught flu on saturday noon and started to sneeze non-stop. After came back home at midnight for ML birthday supper meet, i found that i got little bit fever. The fever was not getting better the next day and i called CJ to accomapany me to clinic for medicine. I got 2 days MC on this. Now i am getting better and recovering. :)
Diary 记事
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Busy life might be better for me
Recently is still busy with work at day. I try to make my life to be busy at night as well, by studying some investment skill, of course, to earn more money. After trying many ways to shoot more money i really felt that rely on my ownself is better. Somemore busier life left me lesser time to think of meaningless thingy. hmmm... ya... earn more money always better, even though you dont know why you have to, right?
Feel 心情
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
眼前的就有两个超级严重的。一个整天头痛呕吐,一个整天说自己不舒服,还担心以后不能生孩子了。。。 啊。。。 最糟糕的是两个都很固执,哄的骗的,软的硬的都试过,打死就是不肯看医生,都不知道要说什么了。。
我其实很不喜欢不懂得照顾自己,不珍惜自己健康的人。。。 四肢健全,能跑能跳的,就应该好好珍惜身体,享受人生。。。 像我要这样的基本的权利都没有的人,她们还真的是身在福中不知福啊。。。 希望她们身体真的没什么问题,开开心心的。。。 最好是我白操心了
眼前的就有两个超级严重的。一个整天头痛呕吐,一个整天说自己不舒服,还担心以后不能生孩子了。。。 啊。。。 最糟糕的是两个都很固执,哄的骗的,软的硬的都试过,打死就是不肯看医生,都不知道要说什么了。。
我其实很不喜欢不懂得照顾自己,不珍惜自己健康的人。。。 四肢健全,能跑能跳的,就应该好好珍惜身体,享受人生。。。 像我要这样的基本的权利都没有的人,她们还真的是身在福中不知福啊。。。 希望她们身体真的没什么问题,开开心心的。。。 最好是我白操心了
Feel 心情
Monday, July 16, 2007
A woman with baby
i told LT that i would woo her again if she coming back to Penang. However, she bluffed me that she has a son. I actually suspected she was bluffing me, but i still think about it seriously, and eventually i replied her that i dont mind. As usual she said i am crazy...
Anyway, from her way of talk i can feel that she doesnt like me until now. Ya, i know, she wont love me, no matter what i done... Maybe, i am just not a lovable guy.
Anyway, from her way of talk i can feel that she doesnt like me until now. Ya, i know, she wont love me, no matter what i done... Maybe, i am just not a lovable guy.
Diary 记事
Saturday, July 14, 2007
人们喜爱桃花盛放,但又有多少人知道盛放之后,还有凋零。。。爱也是一样;有相聚时候的快乐,也要承受离别的痛苦。。。 桃花凋零,人们舍不得,话言匆匆,但这是它们的一生啊。。。一个人一辈子的付出,会不会对另一个人而言,亦是匆匆而以呢?
心动,则意动法动。。。 如果真心相爱,心中所想的人,就能够感受得到。。。 若要他离别后一路逍遥,切记在他走的时候,不要望着他,不要呼唤他,也不要想着他,让他不能找到任何据点回头;既要离别,又何苦让他继续把心系在你身上,一辈子遗憾呢? 。。。 我非常鄙视那些明明存心要走,却又声泪俱下,七情上面说着:“我爱你,可惜我不能和你在一起”。。。如果真的爱她,又为何要继续收起她的心,让她可能错过其他好姻缘呢?
人们喜爱桃花盛放,但又有多少人知道盛放之后,还有凋零。。。爱也是一样;有相聚时候的快乐,也要承受离别的痛苦。。。 桃花凋零,人们舍不得,话言匆匆,但这是它们的一生啊。。。一个人一辈子的付出,会不会对另一个人而言,亦是匆匆而以呢?
心动,则意动法动。。。 如果真心相爱,心中所想的人,就能够感受得到。。。 若要他离别后一路逍遥,切记在他走的时候,不要望着他,不要呼唤他,也不要想着他,让他不能找到任何据点回头;既要离别,又何苦让他继续把心系在你身上,一辈子遗憾呢? 。。。 我非常鄙视那些明明存心要走,却又声泪俱下,七情上面说着:“我爱你,可惜我不能和你在一起”。。。如果真的爱她,又为何要继续收起她的心,让她可能错过其他好姻缘呢?
Feel 心情
Monday, July 09, 2007
Drive in Sleep
Last friday was too tired with teambuilding and then gathering in Bukit Mertajam. After came back from teambuilding i went to Tesco to have my dinner and bought convocation gift for Caroline. I reached Autocity around 9.30pm and passed Caroline her gift. We had around 30 minutes chat in car until she joined her friends in Roxbury. Glad to know her found a new boyfriend, a very handsome yet nice guy. Wish her all the best. I continued to BM later to join Klinsmann gathering. Well, it was a bit shocked me as there were 30+ people attended. We hang around until 12.30am and i drove back. I was too tired the day until i fall into sleep when driving on bridge. The moment i woke up the car was still moving at 90km/h speed and almost knocking cones placed at roadside. Luckily i able to turn my steering back in time to avoid accident. ==" i fallen into sleep another 2 times along coastal highway after that again, but luckily the car was moving safely on road. hehehe.... phew~ damn lucky
Diary 记事
Carnival Water Park

My department had a teambuilding at Sg. Petani Carnival Water Park last friday. I think most of us had a lot of fun there. Anyway, it was very tiring for me. The thing i want to complain here are their food, they were damn salty and sucks.

Events 活动
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Down syndrome
Suddenly i have a feeling want to go back JB, i mean permanently shift back and work there. I am kind of tired of life here, even though i have quite a lot of friends here. I do really hate to come back home here as the only activity i can do in home is online and work. I need someone caring me i think. My family is too far away. Sometime i have kind of feel that i am left behind and nobody will even notice if die inside my room. This is a hard decision to make though.
Feel 心情
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
New opportunity
There are 3 people leaving my group. It seems that my group is really upseting most of us. In fact i do not feel my future in the group is good as well before this. The management is bad, job nature itself is bad, work load itself is also bad. To be frank, i do really feel leaving the group is a bright choice unless i going to stay in the group forever until retire. However, i start to change a little bit of my view today. As people moving out, i become one of the senior here. My job scope widen as i start to take over their jobs. I had been busy with my work for last 2 weeks. This is the first time i do feel i am "working" after 2 years here. I admit it is stress, but at least i feel no guilty anymore taking my salary.
Diary 记事
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