Sunday I visited Penang Children Protection Home. This is another charity program organized by yusin through Cari Forum. Kee fetched me around 11pm and then yusin at her home. We reachedd Greenlane McD around 12noon. Many participants were already there waiting for us and started to surround yusin, LOL. We sit inside there and wait for the rest. As time passed more and more people joined us. Eventually it hit 30+ participants i think. Some of them I know but some are not. My ex-classmate Vincent joined us as well, with a beautiful girl Shenshen which is from UTM as well. As usual Vincent denied that she is his girlfriend, but the way they interact were suspicious.
We departed from McD to the Home around 2pm. Some of the children went out for tuition. There were around 13 chilren left i think. Some of them are young and some of them already in secondary school. The Home accept children that been abandoned by parents, or tortured by parents/guardians and raise them up until 18 years old. We played couples of games such as musical present passing and drawing contest. Yusin also prepared a lot of burger for them. Lot of participants donated toys, gifts, and even dolls for them. They looked so happy when receiving the presents. Honestly I would like go there often to visit them.

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