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Monday, July 10, 2006

Mother's call

My mother gave me a call yesterday. Well, they seem still worry about my life in Penang. My diet, the cleanings, work... I am all alone here after all, no friends living nearby, no girlfriend, no close neighbours, i think thats why they cant really be relief after my one year in Penang.

My mother asked about LT. They met once last year when my Parents visited me in Penang. She asked me whether I still meet up LT often. Well, I am not sure whether they expected that LT is my girlfriend, or maybe they hope that she is. Anyway, she seem quite disappointed with my answer. I told her that LT is busying with her work and we didnt meet each other for around 4-5 months already. I felt sorry for her, as I failed to get her a great daughter-in-law. I think they like LT very much.

Anyway, I will try to make my life better to release them from worrying about me. I am sorry mom n dad.

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