I was very shock when i check back my financial record. I have 3 debtors and 2 creditors which involving total amount of 10 thousands!!! excluding LT's part!!!
I suddenly feel that if those money can be collecting interest at loan shark level then i will be rich pretty soon, LOL. LT also surprisingly said that want to return me money after half a year she left Penang. In fact i never think want to collect back the money i gave her, even though the amount is consider big to me. How can you calculate so much with a girl you sincerely love right? Of course i know that the world is realistic. Thats why there will be no next time. How lucky LT is ya? haha, because she meet me before i recognize how this world as it is. Money is more reliable.
Anyway, i hope that my financial plan which delayed for long time due to LT can be carry out smoothly and hit my target within 10 years. Wish me luck.
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